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  Signs of Low Blood Sugar Levels

Symptoms & Signs | Low Blood Sugar Levels

Everyone suffering from diabetes usually take insulin injections to keep the level of serum glucose in normal state. It is required to take moderate insulin for people with diabetes to maintain the glucose level in the body. As all of us know, over consumption of anything make harmful reactions in our body. The use of wrong medications, unbalanced eating habits and irregular lifestyle are the some of the other causes of low blood sugar in human body.

Several symptoms occur when the level of serum sugar becomes low. The symptoms and signs may vary from person to person. If you see any of the symptoms mentioned below, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor.

Low Blood Sugar Level Signs and Symptoms

i) Irritation:
               If you feel irritated without any cause, it can be considered as a sign of low blood sugar level.

ii) Sweating:
               It is the most common symptom of low blood sugar level. If your body sweats a lot, consult a doctor immediately.

iii) Blurred Vision:
               This problem is commonly seen in both diabetic and low blood sugar patients.

iv) Obesity:
The appetite for food increases when the blood sugar level becomes decreased. So, the consumption of food will be higher when compared to normal people. Severe headache may also occur in some cases.

v) Less sleep:
   Low blood sugar level always makes you sleepless. Anxiety level also rises up because of this problem.

vi) Confusion:
Low glucose level in your blood also cause confusions. You also feel dizzy and become instable due to this problem. It is recommended to have glucose rich food to overcome this situation.

Foods that will help stabilize blood sugar

Diet has a very important role in the life of diabetes patients. It is recommended to have healthy food always to keep diabetes away from your body. Healthy food helps to motivate the growth of insulin hormone which controls the blood sugar level in human body. Fatty foods like butter, cheese or mayonnaise should be avoided. It is better to take baked, grilled, roasted or steamed foods. Normal diabetic diet includes food items which are very less in saturated fats. Fruits and green vegetables can reduce the intensity of blood glucose level.

See some of the recommended food items for diabetic patients below:

Taking tomatoes on daily basis will help to reduce the urine sugar level. As it is very low in carbohydrate content, it is considered as one of the best foods for diabetic patients.

Soy Beans:
It has the capability to reduce the blood sugar level and can prevent the formation of urine glucose. Soy Beans is rich in protein content and has less carbohydrates content.

Taking vegetables like onions and garlic are highly recommended because they have anti diabetic compounds which can control blood glucose.

Drink More Water:
Water plays an important role in the treatment of diabetes. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water on daily basis to control blood sugar level.

Apple is rich in protein content and it is extremely beneficial for diabetics. It can detoxify the body and can eliminate harmful substances from human body.

Oats and Broccoli
Oats and Broccoli are highly recommended foods for diabetes patients. Oats has the capability to maintain the blood sugar level and broccoli has rich content of chromium which can control the insulin level in the body.

For more foods read: Foods that Lower Blood Sugar

Other Nutrient Rich Foods

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