Personal Trainers in Markham, Canada

Finding the right personal trainer can be difficult to do because not all Personal Trainers have the same certification or education levels, charge varying amounts, have different equipment available to them (some train from home or at gyms that have allowed them to do so).

About Our Listings

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The following Markham personal trainers are found from our directory. These personal trainers can be hired / asked questions about their rates, services etc through our form below. Personal training is an excellent way to motivate, excel and reach your fitness goals towards a new you.

Would you like to become a personal trainer? I suggest you check out all the different types of Personal Training certifications you can get.

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Personal Trainer Listings

NameSpecialtyCost Per HourEquipmentWill Travel?
Certified PT (CSEP)all 50all portable equipmenttoronto
 Certified Personal Fitness Trainer certification (OSHF/CSEP)
 Can Fit-Pro Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor Specialists, & member
 YMCA Individual Conditioning Advanced Training Instructor
 YMCA/NFLAC Group Fitness Leader; YMCA member
 Ontario Kinesiology Association Certified Kinesiologist & member
 Certificate of Qualification: Ontario College of Teachers (High School)
Ontario Physical Health Education Association (OPHEA) member
 Standard/Emergency First Aid/Basic Rescuer (CPR C), AED Qualified
(Red Cross Society & Royal Lifesaving Society)
 Bronze Medallion/Cross, Ontario Teaching Aquatic Standard (OTAS)

Bachelor of Education York University B. Ed. 2003
 Intermediate/Senior status in Concurrent Education Program
 Basic Qualifications: Geography and Physical & Health Education
 AQ: Honours Specialist Physical & Health Education (U.F.T., O.I.S.E.)

Bachelor of Arts Honours B.A., 2003
 Major: Kinesiology & Health Science

over 10 + years experience

Claudia SandorEverything $40-120 Free weights, Squat Rack, Bosu, TRX, Stability ball, Treadmill
I own my own personal training studio in Cornell Village, Markham.
We provide: one-on-one private training, group training, partner workouts (couples, friends) and provide customized diet plans, and fitness assessments.
We make protein shakes and coffee, provide water bottles and towels and also have a shower service.
My team and I have over 6 years of experience in the fitness industry, including post rehabilitation and body building.

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What is a Personal Trainer

A Personal Trainer showing a woman how to stretch.A Certified Personal Trainer or CPT is someone who will help you reach your fitness goals, by monitoring your progress, and adjusting your fitness program. We have a list of trainers that will help you achieve those goals.

Most personal trainers require that you get cleared by a medical doctor before beginning a session.

Sample Personal Training Services

Individual Services Personal Training Services
Lifestyle Packages: *No equipment is needed. Your Markham personal trainer will provide everything you need to pursue health and better well-being.

Program Design
-individualized program to meet your lifestyle needs
-includes cardio, strength, and flexibility programs
-program recommended for up to 8 weeks

Personal Training
-sessions with a Markham trainer for proper instruction, form correction, and motivation
--package of 8
--package of 6

A- Introduction to Physical Fitness
*geared toward first-timers, or those with little experience with fitness
Includes: consultation and goal discussion
: full appraisal and follow up
: additional measurements
: program design and revision
: 8 sessions with trainer

B- 8 Weeks to a New Self
*geared toward those who either have specific goals in mind or have reached a plateau in their current program
Includes: consultation and goal discussion
: program analysis and redesign
: program revision
: 8 sessions with trainer

C- Weight Loss Personal Training
*geared toward those with weight loss goals
Includes: consultation and goal discussion
: nutritional analysis
: body composition and follow up
: program design and revision
: 8 sessions with a Markham trainer

D- Core Strength Personal Training
*specific focus upon abdominals and lower back
Includes: initial consultation
: BMI, body composition and
waist girth with follow up
: core program with revision
: 8 sessions with trainer