Address and Phone Number
Below is a list of reviews that have been filled out by either a MyFit employee, a visitor of the gym, or an employee of the facility.
Western Campus Recreation (University of Western Ontario)
University Community Center, London
Telephone: 519.661.3090
Click here to rate or review this facility
Gym Overall Review Score
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Member Reviews
Reviewer: Spencer
Date: 9/12/2012
More crowded than the silk markets in China!
As previously stated, most of the equipment is quite old and in need of some serious TLC
For what I pay in tuition and for Western's prestigious reputation I expect more
Reviewer: Kassandra Frazer
Date: 6/15/2009
Reviewer: fred
They should update their equipment, a lot of it is old and worn, such as the bars. Also faster maintenance, equipment is broken for a while before they get it fixed (they send it out, they should hire someone as a maintenance personnel on site)
Reviewer: Rod
A great student gym, very cheap membership and if you go at the right time you can get everything you want out of this fitness facility.
Click here to rate or review Western Campus Recreation (University of Western Ontario) University Community Center, London
This health club has the following services. This information is filled out by members that have visited these facilities. It may be inaccurate.
Other Local Gyms
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London King & Wellington Goodlife Fitness Club - 355 Wellington St.
London Masonville Goodlife Fitness Club - 116 North Centre Road
London Oakridge Centre Goodlife Fitness Club - 1205 Oxford Street West
London Oxford/Adelaide Goodlife Fitness Club - 775 Adelaide St. N.
London Westmount Goodlife Fitness Club - 3040 Wonderland Rd. S.
London Windermere Goodlife Fitness Club - 1310 Adelaide Street North
London Wolseley Goodlife Fitness Club - 825 Oxford Street East
Muscle Fx Powergym - Tamworth Place, Church St
Premier Fitness - Highbury St.
Premier Fitness Clubs - Highbury - 1295 Highbury Ave.
Premier Fitness Clubs - Westminister - 334 Wellington Rd.
The Ladies Room - 390 Springbank Dr. #4
Western Campus Recreation (University of Western Ontario) - University Community Center
Make a Workout
Crafting a workout for the gym is extremely important. Consideration should be maintained throughout your designing process. If you just want to find one to use we offer plenty here. If you want to make your own you can start now.
Tracking Your WeightsThere are lots of easy ways to track your sets and reps. One easy way is through a little book that you can take with you to the gym. This book has progress charts, workouts and lots of tools you can use to always make sure you are improving.