Prairie Life Fitness Gym Review


Address and Phone Number

Below is a list of reviews that have been filled out by either a MyFit employee, a visitor of the gym, or an employee of the facility.

Prairie Life Fitness
200 S 31st Ave #4101, Omaha
Telephone: 402-916-5000

Click here to rate or review this facility

No member reviews for this gym, please submit one. You must have been to this gym to submit. Click here to rate or review Prairie Life Fitness 200 S 31st Ave #4101, Omaha


This health club has the following services. This information is filled out by members that have visited these facilities. It may be inaccurate.

    Other Local Gyms

    Prairie Life Fitness - 200 S 31st Ave #4101

    Make a Workout

    Crafting a workout for the gym is extremely important. Consideration should be maintained throughout your designing process. If you just want to find one to use we offer plenty here. If you want to make your own you can start now.

    Tracking Your Weights

    There are lots of easy ways to track your sets and reps. One easy way is through a little book that you can take with you to the gym. This book has progress charts, workouts and lots of tools you can use to always make sure you are improving.