Address and Phone Number
Below is a list of reviews that have been filled out by either a MyFit employee, a visitor of the gym, or an employee of the facility.
Mj Fitness Club
1816 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles
Telephone: (213) 484-9870
Click here to rate or review this facility
No member reviews for this gym, please submit one. You must have been to this gym to submit.
Click here to rate or review Mj Fitness Club 1816 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles

This health club has the following services. This information is filled out by members that have visited these facilities. It may be inaccurate.
Other Local Gyms
1st Street Boxing Gym - 106 S St Louis St24 Hour Fitness - 3699 Wilshire Blvd
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5 R Health - 3525 W 8th St
Axis PT - 708 West 1st Street
Bally Total Fitness - 1628 N El Centro Ave
Bally Total Fitness - 700 S Flower St
Bally Total Fitness - 700 S Flower St
Beverly Hills Health & Fitness - 8301 Beverly Blvd
Bodies In Motion - 12100 W Olympic Blvd # 100
Body Builders Gym - 2516 Hyperion Ave
Boot Camp L.A. - 5801 Wilshire Blvd
Century Sports Club - 4120 W Olympic Blvd
Century Sports Club - 4120 W Olympic Blvd
Crunch Fitness - 8000 W Sunset Blvd
Crunch Fitness - 8000 W Sunset Blvd
Curves - 2268 S Figueroa St
Curves - 2421 Whittier Blvd # 102
Curves - 2724 Griffith Park Blvd
Curves - 350 S Grand Ave # D1
Curves - 350 S Grand Ave # D1
Curves - 4319 N Figueroa St
Curves - 4815 Valley Blvd
Curves - 4870 Eagle Rock Blvd
Curves - 5928 York Blvd
Downtown Fitness Center - 300 N Los Angeles St
Gold's Gym - 1016 Cole Ave
Gold's Gym - 1016 Cole Ave
Gold's Gym - 725 S Figueroa St # 2
Gold's Gym - 725 S Figueroa St # 2,
Good Fitness Inc - 4220 E Washington Blvd
Groove Fitness - 1626 N La Brea Ave
Gym - 2202 South Figueroa Street
L A Fitness Sports Club - 1833 S La Cienega Blvd
Meridian Sports Club - 5750 Wilshire Blvd # 175
Mj Fitness Club - 1816 W Sunset Blvd
Natura Sports Health Club - 3240 Wilshire Blvd
Olympic Health Club - 3915 W Olympic Blvd
Shape Up Easy - 5342 Whittier Blvd
Sports Center - 6711 Forest Lawn Dr
Sports Club/La - 1835 S Sepulveda Blvd
Ultra Body Fitness - 828 N La Brea Ave
Ultra Body Fitness - 828 N La Brea Ave
Wilshire Center Health Club - 661 S Mariposa Ave
YMCA - 625 S New Hampshire Ave
YMCalifornia - 2936 W 8th St
Zbesthardwood - 110 North san fernando rd
Make a Workout

Crafting a workout for the gym is extremely important. Consideration should be maintained throughout your designing process. If you just want to find one to use we offer plenty here. If you want to make your own you can start now.

Tracking Your WeightsThere are lots of easy ways to track your sets and reps. One easy way is through a little book that you can take with you to the gym. This book has progress charts, workouts and lots of tools you can use to always make sure you are improving.