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Magnum_pt81 Newbie 2 Posts
11/5/2008 10:13:04 AM | Hello, my name is Ryan Nicholas Gaydovchik, a certified personal trainer for the national exercise sport trainers association, i would like to help you with some tips.
1. Well I know the best times to workout are in the morning early when you wake up or after work before you eat dinner.
2. Should spend no long than 55-60 minutes. Anything more is overtraining.
3. Yes, take a warm or hot shower it relaxes your muscles. Immediately if possible.
Any other questions just email me at
10/31/2008 10:23:31 AM | 1.Work out whenever it is convenient for you. Pick a time you can fit in to your schedule every day. This will help you keep working out consistenly.
2.You should be working out at least 20 minutes per day, five to six days per week. Don't work out more than 1 - 1.5 hours to avoid burning out.
3. Shower whenever it is convenient or desirable for you. I like to shower right after working out if I can. However if it's not convenient, you haven't broken a sweat or you've got nowhere special to be afterwards, it can wait until you have time.
iquest Newbie 1 Posts
10/31/2008 9:36:05 AM | thnx i'l try it. :)