
Sports Specific | Neck workout

Hi everyone I have a question. I train my 15 y.o. son who is a high school wrestler. I have him working a neck routine on a our Hammer Strength 4 way neck machine. 3 sets x 8-10 reps x 3 times week. I used this routine for myself years ago. I just want to make sure that if this not too much or too little. All advice is greatly appreciated.


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7 Posts
1/5/2009 4:26:36 PM
I do muay thai and so need a pretty strong neck for clinch. I would be careful using weight when doing neck exercises. Personally I just do various exercises lying down - side to side, up and down, etc. using only the weight of my ol' head.

Personal Trainer
7/23/2008 11:53:44 AM
You forgot to mention how much weight you're using. It is impossible to tell if this is too much or too little for your son. If your son can complete eight to 10 raps three times a week he is probably okay but I would suggest to go see a local personal trainer to make sure that he is using proper form.

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