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FitforTwo.TV Stage 1 Fit 19 Posts
4/7/2010 1:59:50 PM | Try doing some resistance training in addition to your cardio. You need to work your muscles differently to jumpstart that metabolism again. Try this workout:
Also, you don't need a gym or equipment.
Here's an acronym to help you remember a circuit:
Some Lucky People Deserve Brock and Marta
(I'm Brock, my fiance is Marta). The first letter of each word stands for an exercise:
Squats Lunges Push-ups/Plank Dips Burpees Move (skip, run on the spot, etc.)
Do each exercise for 1 minute then move right to the next one. If you can get through the circuit 3 times I guarantee you'll be sweating!
As for nutrition, Breakfast - oatmeal, eggs, fruit snack - yogurt (plain), peanut butter, fruit Lunch - grains (cous cous, beans, veggies) Snack - Fruit, nuts Dinner - Protein, veggies, grains (quinoa).
Avoid those simple sugars ( that can be hidden in yogurt and other snack foods). I hope this helps!
Dan Newbie 3 Posts
3/11/2010 10:20:35 PM | Hi You lose muscles that you don't use (they become smaller and softer). Choose 1-2 exercises for each body part legs, chest, back etc. Like I said you are eating mainly carbs and your biggest meal is dinner.Bad. By doing only treadmill you get the body used to that and will spend less and less calories on that(like a car using gas when on a highway), so do stairmaster, rowing machine etc. Crunches don't make the waist smaller(like people who are chewing lots of gum don't have skinny faces).
devilangel Newbie 2 Posts
3/11/2010 10:37:40 AM | Ok I will definetly start doing weights again.. I read the article that you posted. So I am getting "old" and losing muscles.. haha But I don't consider my inactive at all. =( Anyhow, it listed a bunch of weights exercise for starters.. but there is too many I need to do.. haha is there a shorter version I can concentrate on??
And I am doing 3 meals a day + 2 snacks already.. Breakfast: cereal or whole wheat bread Snack: Yogurt Lunch: Sandwhich or Salad Snack: Fruits Dinner: meat, veggies, rice
I thikn at work I start to snack a little bit more.
I had been starting to do 200 crunches almost everyday to tone down my stubborn tummy. And hula hopping at night. lol
If I start doing weights, can I cut down the daily 25min cardio I do everyday??
Dan Newbie 3 Posts
3/11/2010 9:33:19 AM | Hi The difference is that you are back to work, so you have more stress (changes the metabolism), you've lost some muscles during that year and you are one year older(see what happens after the age of 25 in the first article on that blog: Stick to weights, cardio, and good nutrition(3 meals and 2 snacks), and you'll see results).
devilangel Newbie 2 Posts
3/11/2010 5:57:32 AM | Thanks for your response, Dan! But how is it different from my exercise/diet regime during my mat leave and now that I am back to work can make such an impact?? I didn't do weights during my mat leave and I could maintain my weight.. =(
Dan Newbie 3 Posts
3/10/2010 11:19:06 PM | So What you are doing wrong is the nutrition, and the exercise. 1. You're eating mainly carbs, almost no protein. 2. you are doing only cardio. Not using your muscles (by lifting weights moderately, I'm not talking about bulking up, just to be tonned) you are losing them. Muscles are metabolic active tissue, so the less muscle mass you have the slower your metabolism will be and the easier will be to gain fat. Because you're doing lots of cardio and eating low protein you're losing even more muscles. You'll find more info here: P.S. You are eating only 3 times a day. Try 3 meals and 2 snaks instead.