FitGuy2008 Newbie 5 Posts
7/14/2008 8:11:21 AM | Hello Friend,
Doing a chest workout every fifth day is to far apart if your trying to build muscle. If you were trying to keep your general physic then that would be ok.
I recently benched 225lbs a total of 26 repititions and here's what I did.
7x10 Reps of flat bench.(Super Set) 7x10 Dumbbell Chest Butterflys Pick a weight that you struggle to get nine and fail on rep 10 on at keast the third set.
With this, You will need endurance to get to the seventh set but you will shock your tri's along with the inside and outside of your chest.
With so many reps you will need to take a break between each set and it time forbids, cut down the number of sets.
In conclusion, I did this Monday and thursday. I also warmed up until I would sweat before I started. I had other exercises after this.
P.S. Pushups with your natural bodyweight helps work soreness but doing it in excess the night before your big workout might hinder your overall performance.
Good Luck!