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Personal Trainer Moderator
1/24/2008 10:42:47 AM | Hey,
Try :
You might call them something else, please let me know what you call them so we can add in a keyword for those exercises.
hottielover14 Stage 1 Fit 16 Posts
1/24/2008 10:28:47 AM | cool. i usually start with compound exercises too and then do more isolation exercises. how do you do the rear raise? ive never really heard of that?
Personal Trainer Moderator
1/24/2008 8:45:02 AM | I usually try and start with a very powerful compound exercise like push press or shoulder press and then work my entire shoulder: Front raise, side raise, rear raise and some SITS (rotator work).
I also include traps in with shoulders because they require a little TLC for me.
hottielover14 Stage 1 Fit 16 Posts
1/24/2008 12:00:23 AM | yeah thats what i do too..supersets! it does cut down on time and its more intense of a workout. how many exercises do you do per muscle group? i do 3. what kinds of shoulder exercises do you do? i do shoulder press, push press and front raises.
Personal Trainer Moderator
1/23/2008 10:47:03 PM | Hey,
It's pretty good, I mean I do like pairing the two opposing muscle groups together so it cuts down on the total workout time (supersets). That way you can jump back and forth and save time.
Shoulders and Legs is a big day; sometimes I put them on seperate days to give my chest and back time to recover before going back to it.
hottielover14 Stage 1 Fit 16 Posts
1/23/2008 5:18:18 PM | oh how are u liking your new routine? how long were you doing your other routine(the one i posted first)?
Personal Trainer Moderator
1/23/2008 10:57:40 AM | I actually made the same switch recently because I had been doing the other routine for so long. It is extremely important to vary your routine often!