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weightlosstea Newbie 4 Posts
1/21/2014 4:33:08 PM | Belly and arm fat are among the most difficult types of fat to lose. Men tend to collect fat in the belly as they age. Many women tend to gather fat in their arms as they gain weight. However, belly and arm fat can be a problem for both men and women. The only way to effectively lose belly and arm fat is by losing fat all over the body. It is a scientific fact that you cannot lose fat in just one place at a time. Unfortunately the fat cells in the belly and arms tend to be some of the last to shrink.
1. Set realistic goals. It is possible to lose some belly and arm fat, but you may not lose all that you want. Some people are just genetically inclined to retain fat in those areas of the body. A disciplined diet and exercise program will help you reduce fat in those areas, but it will take some time and a lot of work. The more ambitious your goals, the more time and effort that is required.
2. Start slowly. Many initially motivated people work out too hard their first time. They get sore, then give up right away. Belly and arm fat loss is a gradual process. You may find fat disappearing from other areas of your body before seeing any noticeable results in your belly and arms. Don't get frustrated. If you stick with the program it will eventually work. Do a little bit each day then increase your efforts as you get more comfortable.
3. Exercise regularly. The only way to lose fat is to increase your activity to speed up your metabolism. Do whatever you want as long as it gets you moving. Go for a walk, play tennis or ride your bike. Get your heart rate up for at least an hour and break a sweat. Increase your exercise as your body adapts.
4. Lift weights. Resistance exercises are very important for losing belly and arm fat. Strong muscles burn a lot of calories and help melt away fat. It is important to point out that lifting weights with your arms and doing stomach crunches will not make you lose fat in those areas. It is not possible to spot reduce fat. However, strong muscles created by weight lifting will increase your metabolism and burn more calories. You should therefore lift weights for all parts of your body. Also, by toning your arms and building muscle, it is possible to improve their appearance without actually losing fat there.
5. Change your diet. This does not have to be a radical change at first. Replace soda with water and drink plenty of it. Eat pretzels instead of chips. Eat fried food and dessert just once or twice a week. It is essential to reduce your calorie and fat intake while increasing your activity. As you become more disciplined you can make your diet even healthier.
6. Get plenty of sleep. You body has a harder time losing fat when you get less than eight hours sleep. Snooze and lose the pounds.
stellamandy96 Stage 1 Fit 18 Posts
3/14/2013 11:48:47 PM | By doing excises on daily basis, will definitely reduce the fat in your body. There are so many weight loss programs aren't designed to motivate us, to keep us on track. In that way I have found sallysymonds tips to control the body fat.
I hope it will be useful to you. Good Luck!!!
runcoach Newbie 2 Posts
2/9/2013 12:59:12 PM | I'd just like to reinforce what the trainer-moderator already told you. Unfortunately, we can't select where fat comes from. Doing exercises for a particular area doesn't burn fat from there. n addition to their recommendations, you may want to increase your frequency of exercise to nearly every day. That will help keep your metabolism up.
Caspar Newbie 1 Posts
11/11/2012 8:59:24 PM | The weight used for this exercise will depend on your strength level, so before purchasing any dumbbells, try this exercise out in the store. You want to be able to do multiple reps without putting excessive strain on your arms. As you build strength you can always get more dumbbells. As for the exercise itself take a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Your palms should be facing forward, and your elbow locked into your hipbone. Alternating hands, slowly curl the weight up to your chest and back down, being careful not to swing your body. This will focus the exercise on the biceps. Wait until you’ve completely lowered the weight on one side before lifting the other. Keep going until your biceps begin to burn. Rest for 60-90 seconds,
Personal Trainer Moderator
6/8/2006 6:30:25 AM | These are some arm exercises. These will help with increasing the muscle mass on your arms and help increase your metabolism which will help burn fat.
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Please view our weight loss guide under 'other areas' to help reduce fat.
Personal Trainer Moderator
4/20/2006 6:10:01 PM | There is no way to 'target' an area where you want to lose fat. Fat loss is not site specific (sucks, I know). When you exercise aerobically (long duration, 20+minutes, at a moderate to low intensity), you will use a higher percentage of stored fat as fuel and it'll be used from stores all over your body. So any aerobic exercise will reduce fat on the stomach and arms, as well as from everywhere else. I'd suggest strength training for your arms and stomach, which IS site specific. This can help tone your stomach and arms and give the 'illusion' of reduced fat.
If you are however in the mood to try to sweat and lose weight faster. Make sure to include interval training and a circuit training program into your workout routine. A circuit is found in our programs section and the interval training is basically training at a very high intensity for x time and then a low intensity for 3x time. A sample interval is 30 seconds for a high intensity and 90 at a low intensity.