
Exercise Questions | Summer training

Hi, I'm a 15 year old and I would like a training program to follow this summer just to get my personal fitness up. At school we do stuff like 12 minute run, pushup/situp test, chinup test, how long you can hold yourself on a bar, vertical leap that kind of stuff. This year I was getting mostly 4/5 on the tests some 5/5 but I would like to be dominating these tests next year, so does anyone have a guide I can follow for this summer something simple peferrably that i could do at home. I know that this might sound dumb because I could just do all these exercises and try to improve on them but I want something that's organized and keeps me motivated. Also I'm reading all this stuff about like how running too much makes you lose your quickness, or doing too many situps is bad for your back so I just wanted to be safe. Anyways if anyone has a guide for me thats safe for teens and easy to follow I'd greatly appreciate it.


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3 Posts
5/13/2011 11:23:21 PM
You write that you also doing vertical may be you can try some exercise that can increase vertical jump.You can find out various vertical jump exercise from your health orbit. It's easy and free.

14 Posts
3/16/2011 12:09:09 AM
Plz watch this site- It may be help you.

Personal Trainer
10/16/2007 11:40:33 AM

There is a circuit training program in there that you can try which will help keep you in great shape while toning muscles.


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