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stringerjanet Apprentice 7 Posts
1/5/2010 1:32:28 AM | I try to maintain my body last 3 months but no any result till day. So, i need few information about body building and maintain weight. Please tell me briefly. Thanks, Stringer
Peter Newbie 2 Posts
12/25/2009 3:20:26 AM | Yes you are right body building is really the best way to grow bigger and better. Even i used to do exercise to keep my body fit and perfect.I think you should add a bit more upper back work. Ab workouts is right way to do exercise.
chris1029384756 Apprentice 6 Posts
10/19/2009 5:14:02 PM | you should be answering questions on this site not asking them! haha.. I would say add more lats and lower back excersizes like deadlifts and hyperextensions
Personal Trainer Moderator
9/22/2009 11:15:19 AM | Oh, as for your second question:
As long as you're doing bent over row, seated row and some angled pulling from the bottom to the top you should be covered.
Personal Trainer Moderator
9/22/2009 11:08:34 AM | Yep, switching up your exercises, intensity and frequency is your best bet to make sure you keep seeing the gains you do. Try changing the amoun tof reps you do as well. Isee you're focused on 12. Try 6-8 one week then go for a 1-3 rep week and then a 12-15 week. It will make sure your muscles dont adapt.
As for the types of exercises, making sure you do clean and jerk, jump squats, push press, deadlifts, step ups, plyometrics... You should be covered.
You should do both cables and dumbbells. They will tax your chest muscles in different ways even if you do the 'same' exercise.