Personal Trainer Moderator
4/20/2006 6:01:49 PM | The cardio equipment gives a very rough estimate for a very average population. The number of calories you burn in a workout is dependant on a number of variable, including but not limited to body size, weight, and composition (%fat), gender, age, etc…Body weight is among the most common used for estimates. If a machine asks for your weight, then it is likely to give a reasonably accurate estimate. The more body information you need to enter (gender, height, age, etc…) the more accurate it is likely to be. However, if no weight is required, you are being quoted an estimate for an average size person of the general population, male or female, usually in the range of 65-75 kg. If you are a petite female (~55kg), you likely burn less than the machine states, if you are a large male (85+kg) you likely burn more.