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muaythaiforlife Apprentice 7 Posts
1/5/2009 4:04:41 PM | This is my problem area, and I can tell you, the only way you're going to lose fat ANYWHERE is to do lotsa cardio and reduce caloric intake. If you build muscle you can burn more calories, and if you build glutes, there will be nicer definition once you drop the fat that is covering the muscles. So all these lower body moves are great, but they won't get rid of the booty for you.
LizaO Newbie 3 Posts
12/18/2008 2:59:17 PM | Try spinning mixed with lunges. I think that should work nicely. Also try reverse lunges superset with squats.
JennyP Newbie 5 Posts
12/12/2008 3:17:47 PM | Lunges, lunges and more lunges
Use body weight and many reps
also do cardio right after!
syrahgirl Newbie 1 Posts
9/11/2008 4:14:24 AM | If your butt is large due to muscle you should cut back on the amount of butt work you are doing. Add another day of cardio but not on the stair stepper as this helps to build legs and butt muscles. If your butt is fat, cardio will burn fat better so long as your intensity is not up past 75% of your maximum. Good luck!
8/26/2008 8:36:38 AM | You cannot reduce the size of your butt. Not by itself anyway. It is impossible to spot reduce fat. Fat comes off in layers.
Interval training is the fastest way to burn fat. It works best when combined with weight training to increase your muscle mass and so increase your metabolism.