

I joined Herbal Magic and feel like a fool. It cost me over $1,000.00 to join plus over $300.00 a month to keep taking the supplements that are mandatory. Expensive huh? I found food options very restricted. The program is portion control to sum it all up with many many pills to pop. If I asked a question the answer I got was always another pill another dollar. I have lost 30 pounds but would never recommend Herbal Magic to friends or family. I felt that they sucked me in at a vunerable time of my life and they knew they had me the moment I walked in, what a fool I was. A person can follow the Canada Food Guide and supplement their diet with a herb from the grocery store for appetite control (you can find the same herbs there that are in their product) and lose just the same and keep your hard earned money. Even better instead of taking pills try increasing activity (which they do not even mention) will work the same. AGAIN, I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND YOU DO WHAT I DID unless you have over $2,000.00 to throw away. I'd rather take that $2,000.00 and reward myself with a vacation for the hard WORK that I DID, not them.

If you've had a bad experience with Herbal Magic or any other expensive program please don't keep quiet because if someone would have told me exactly what it was all about I would have never joined Herbal Magic


Posted by Reply
1 Posts
6/14/2019 8:02:27 AM
I read these reviews of Herbal Magic last year,
and hesitated. But decided to try them out
anyway because my mom loved it ten years ago
and it worked so well.

Just so everyone is aware, they under new
owners and their whole business has pretty
much changed. They don't have sign-up fees
and they don't charge for the supplements! Huge
change. I paid a monthly fee which included all
the basic supplements I needed for my program.
***No sign up fee***

The diet planning really worked for me. Lost 45
lbs. I still got the counseling over the phone, text
and email. Thumbs up!

1 Posts
7/8/2015 7:35:51 AM

This program is so incredibly EXPENSIVE.
They designed it so they can make so
much money by forced selling you so much
monthly pills plus so many additional
ones when you come for your
“counselling” visits. They also required
you to pay the counselling for one year
in advance. BEWARE: You cannot get a
refund if you stop and they keep on
fraudulenty charging your credit card
for the monthly pills even if you
cancelled already and even if you did
not get any services or products from
them anymore. Be very careful! their
program does not work and those pills
can make you sick just like what
happened to me. I tried the program for
two months and it never worked and it
made me sick and i spent over almost
3,000 dollars and then even if I quit in
April they still fraudulently charged my
card this July for the pills that I
never received. BEWARE!!!!!!!NEVER

1 Posts
5/20/2015 7:29:26 AM
I am doing a project for school and
cannot find any info about it that i
need! there is nothing about the meals
that you are required to eat, make or

6 Posts
5/6/2015 11:11:03 PM
It is a scam, i used to work for them
and the mandatory supplements are just
for stealing your money. The diet plan
is very restricted and that is why u
lose weight. not the silly pills. the
only magic they know is preying on
vulnerable people.

2 Posts
3/19/2015 9:33:01 PM
I tried this some years ago and did lose a lot of
weight. I looked great and felt so healthy.I left
them because I felt that they were too strict.Well
the weight started to come back and I went to LA
weightloss instead. They were useless. I was
warned not to go near Bernstein too. Now I need
help since my own attempts are not letting me
lose weight. Yes it is expensive but the ONLY diet
plan out there that really works. I will totally
endorse this as the best diet plan out there right
now and I know it works. Just need some money
to join.

2 Posts
3/19/2015 9:33:01 PM
I tried this some years ago and did lose a lot of
weight. I looked great and felt so healthy.I left
them because I felt that they were too strict.Well
the weight started to come back and I went to LA
weightloss instead. They were useless. I was
warned not to go near Bernstein too. Now I need
help since my own attempts are not letting me
lose weight. Yes it is expensive but the ONLY diet
plan out there that really works. I will totally
endorse this as the best diet plan out there right
now and I know it works. Just need some money
to join.

1 Posts
10/29/2014 6:05:32 PM
Herbal Magic is a huge rip off. I too was at a vulnerable point in my life, having recently gained another 20 lbs. I am currently trying to figure out what I am going to do... I had an allergic reaction to something of theirs so I went in to show them. They gave me a 'book' of ingredients to take to the Doctors. I cancelled the service the next day and stopped payment on my Herbal Magic and because I gave 29 days notice instead of 30, I received an email asking for payment. I haven't picked up any product because I don't want it, who would want another allergic reaction. I want to try and get a refund, not sure who to talk to about the allergy issue yet. I know talking to this sales lady isn't going to work. Long story short, don't do it. They are not helpful and very much into making money by continually trying to upsell...they really do have a pill for everything.

1 Posts
10/25/2014 7:12:21 PM
I feel HM is very overpriced. I went to
one of their franchises years ago to see
if they might be interested in taking
some real herbal training and to check
out their formulas. (I have been a
certified herbalist, health teacher &
coach for over 30 years). They said ,
"Oh we get training in how to sell the
Their products are also VERY overpriced;
I have sold quality, therapeutic grade
herbs for over 20 years that are better
formulations, better quality and better
priced than these!
In.Form is one of the best
transformational health program I have
seen in years and I am proud to be
helping people with true health!

1 Posts
8/28/2014 4:01:36 PM
I joined HM way back in 2005 and did it
for 6 months and worked great. Lost 42
lbs (went from 228 - 186). The first few
weeks was rough but was able to stick
with it pretty much the whole time..
Sure I drank a little here and there and
didn't follow the program 100% but in
the long run I lost the weight...

Fast forward 8 years and I've gained all
the weight back and then some (currently
250 ish). Anyways I joined up again and
gave it another shot. Spent the $1000
join up fee plus the $350 per month
pills for a few months until I didn't
lose much weight... It was a bad time to
join with new work (long hours) and a
new born baby (our first) so having time
to prep food and follow the program was
very difficult. So I had to quit..

now (getting to my point).... I quit but
still had paid up for like 6 weeks that
I couldn't get back so I have a surplus
of the Metobolic Plus supplements and
the Weight Management supplements. I
have a chromagic supplement but it is
opened. I am looking to sell the
products but not at the same price as
they sell. For a month (4 weeks) worth
of supplements I was paying $350.. I
will sell the 6 weeks worth of Metobolic
Plus and 6 weeks of Weight Management as
well... If interested email me at This isn't a
scam or anything.. just looking to give
someone else a try at the products
before you pay the $1000 to join up.. I
can include the open bottle of Chromagic
at no cost, or if not interested you can
purchase a similar product at GNC.

I live in Canada but will ship wherever.

Contact me if interested.

Thanks and good luck

1 Posts
4/17/2014 3:39:01 AM
I am looking to try the products from Herbal magic, anyone know when I can purchase other than from them. I can not afford to sign up right now. Let me know.

1 Posts
2/3/2014 11:33:52 PM
Yes i did the same thing wasted alot of money t find out if you want to loose weight change your diet and go to the gym .

1 Posts
1/2/2014 12:08:14 PM
Waste of money. Supplements provide no
value. "Couselors" are glorified
telemarketers. Follow the Canada Food
Guide, get regular exercise and don't be
fooled into forking over big$$.

the ferg
1 Posts
10/21/2013 9:33:46 AM
Word to the Wise: BLOG
As a former HM employee..Do NOT fall for this hoax. No one is properly trained in anything or qualified to do anything than push sales making the company millions of dollars on people that are struggling with a weight issue. After a very short period I questioned it all. I thought I could help people by educating them on healthy eating. Not over priced fees and all the pills that are not proven to do anything. Other than caffeine to give you a ""boost""..Seriously..burn your money if you have it to give away. Other than that, stay away from that weak moment. They are only in for the CASH...they do not care about anyone or you on any level.
I'm not a disgruntled employee. I just saw major issues in the company polices and quit after my ""training""..

1 Posts
2/24/2013 12:08:37 PM
It is crazy expensive! Now, they want to just take
the full $300 from your account at the beginning of
the month. So , anyone signing up take that into
Did anyone sign up around the time of "every
pound lost you get $10.00 back??" My fiancι
and I signed up when that promotion was running
and it well over with. We haven't seen the money
sent to us in 5-6 months. We ask them all the time
and they say " well, it's being processed. Or we
sent it two weeks ago." Really, cause I haven't
seen it yet. Too
expensive, sometimes snotty as eff attitudes and
oh WHERE's my $10 for every pound I lost!!!

1 Posts
12/29/2012 12:59:37 PM
so did I half price then told auto debit ever week for shakes and bars the pills they give are contraindicated for the meds doctor prescribed and WOW a freee scale and thermoss

will continue and excersise when I can as I clean for a living and find that is plenty of exercise during winter in summer I will walk near the ocean but on my schedule not thiers

do not bliev any of them aare llicensed dieticians and poor 'CHOACHES' oh well an expensive lesson

wish I had surfed the INTERNET FIRST !!!

1 Posts
9/27/2012 7:07:31 PM
Just got ripped by HM, $800 in 4 weeks for basically nothing, I know I could talk about Ethics and the lack of in length about this company. I realized again that a sure way to loose weight and keeping the ideal is eating sensibily and exersize. The pills appear to help metabolize fats however they are probably not necessary if you follow the Canada food guide and the portion size. Always difficult in the first 1-2 weeks however the hunger subsides eventually. Buyers beware with HM, do your research, unfortunately when I realize I was being ripped, I started looking around the reviews...:-(

1 Posts
9/20/2012 5:37:05 AM
I joined HM about 7 weeks ago. It cost me $800.00 for an initial fee plus $90 a week for supplements and an additional $35 a month for an extra supplement. I've already lost 14 pounds but have come into a financial situation where i am unable to continue my weekly purchase. The result of that is i am no longer allowed to go to a HM centre for my weigh-ins...after two weeks of not buying the weekly supplements i go on an inactive list and two weeks after that if my financial situation improves and can go back to buying the weekly supplements it will cost me $99 to go back. I paid $800 for a year of support and this is what i get? No way...what a waste of money. It was good at first because i didn't have the will to do it on my i have the tools and will to prove to HM that i can do this without them.

1 Posts
5/22/2012 10:46:47 AM
I joined HM 4 months ago and I have lost 60 pounds!! Now I had read this board first so I signed up at Christmas for half price and I only took their pills for the first two weeks. Was it easy...NO did it work yes!! I am finding that my consultant is starting to push the pills on me saying I need them to keep losing ( I know the pills only work because we think they do). I am almost ready to walk away from HM even though I need to lose 60 more. I find I am being bullied about the pills. I plan is great and the food advice is great but I personally feel the pills are a scam, a very expensive scam. If I had taken the pills I would have been out around $1500 by now!! Really look at your goals and know that one week of pills will run you at least $50 but more likely $70

1 Posts
10/27/2011 8:04:38 PM
I joined Herbal Magic in May 2006 and lost a total of 74 pounds. We are now in 2011 and I have still kept the weight off. So you obviously didn't follow it probably.

1 Posts
10/19/2011 4:43:29 PM
I believe in the program, I believe in the products! I "BELIEVE" that the program and products are too expensive for what they are! The employees are pushed to make the sale. If they are not performing, they get into trouble. It is not enough that a customer will have to purchase their essential weekly product, which btw should be purchased on the monday each week via preauth, but each customer should be taking a few so called optional products. If you are getting your weekly product on monday by credit card, then you won't notice when the health coach is pushing products at you, and that is what they do, each visit you will be pitched a product to enhance your weight loss... IT IS A ROTTEN WAY TO FEEL...

1 Posts
7/4/2011 1:07:19 PM
I too got sucked in with this company they totally scammed me. Although I did lost a bunch of weight and I did see inch loss the money you spend is first off unbelievable. I felt like a drug addicted user and if I continue would need an intervention!!

I said I went to the movies in passing conversation and immediately they jumped on me saying oh that popcorn is very bad and continued to throw that at me, see you shouldn't have eaten that popcorn. Guess what I have never eaten the popcorn just the smell makes me ill.

They said I was drinking coke constantly whenever the weight would come up a little, I asked if I could drink a can of coke now and again and again they used that to their advantage.

Eventually I got tired of defending myself, I thought they were supposed to work with the individual and help them through this process with guidance and understanding. This was not the case.

I eventually told them I refuse to come in 3x a week I don't have time for that, and dropped it to 2x again you really need to come in so we can monitor your weight loss.

I quit told them never to bother me that the whole thing was nothing but a scam....I wonder if they get commission on each weigh in.

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