
Exercise Questions | Help....

I am 50 years old and just got through a neck surgery. At one time I had 21 inch bicepts and 16 inch fore arms because of the issues with my neck I lost all of the muscle tone on my left side... (kind of depressinng) but my doc said it is up to me to build back up... my shoulders are boney and I would like to start building gradually my muscles.... I am in therapy but with work can only go every so many weeks... any ideas on what else I can do to help rebuild my body?


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1 Posts
2/19/2012 12:37:38 AM
When your body is about to undergo
strenuous exercise, you should make sure
that the body is safely warmed up first.
All safe exercise routines should
include a simple warm up and cool down
section. This will ensure your body is
adequately warmed and able to cope with
the following work out.

When we start to exercise our bodies,
physiological changes must occur in
order for the body to work at its
optimum level. These changes include, an
increased breathing rate and heart rate,
an increased blood flow to the muscle
and an increased energy-releasing
response from the muscle itself.

If this is not taken into consideration
when exercising, the body will not be
prepared for the demands placed upon it.
This can then cause unnecessary damage
to the muscles and ligaments or may
cause premature fatigue.

Warming Up

You need to warm up for at least 10
minutes. Your aim is to increase your
heart rate slightly and then move onto
gaining flexibility. It is good to start
with exercises that increase the heart
rate, so you are slightly warmer when
you eventually start your stretches.
This way you are less likely to cause

Exercises that increase the heart rate
slightly are gentle jogging, fast
walking or jumping. You should feel that
your heart rate is slightly raised as
you begin your routine. Exercises which
increase flexibility include knee
lifting, placing your hands on your hips
and making a circular movement, raising
and lowering your shoulders, gently
tilting your head from side to side to
stretch the neck and also gently stretch
the back.

Cooling Down

Cooling down is also a vital part of
your exercise routine. You want to
return your cardiovascular system to its
former level. Your breathing and heart
rate need to return to normal. When you
are exercising, your body is delivering
a high level of blood to muscles. If you
suddenly stop your exercise, the high-
level blood flow continues. This
dramatic change in the body's responses
can cause dizziness or even fainting.
Not the safest thing to happen when
weight lifting or on a treadmill. In
addition, whilst you have been
exercising, Lactic acid has built up in
your muscles. This can be removed more
effectively from the muscles by
performing gentle exercises in your
cooling down session. By incorporating a
simple 10 minute cool down, you can
return your body to its pre exercise
levels safely. If you want to know more

1 Posts
10/29/2011 8:33:26 PM body??? Oh well

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