
Weight & Fat Loss | Help..?

Hi Im pretty young and need help . I have always been a bigger and have tried losing weight several times. I jsut cant seem to keep up with working out and healhty eating habbits. I dont want to live like this anymore I dont like the way I look and am very insecure. !
any ideas on what I should do . ? diets . exercise tips.?
thankyou.! :)


Posted by Reply
Stage 1 Fit
18 Posts
12/3/2008 5:29:52 PM
When you are changing your lifestyle, start small, you can start by maybe walking every morning twice a week and when you have mastered that, walk 4 times a week and increase your workout slowly. Same with your eating habits, start maybe by eating an apple a day and when you mastered that, eat a salad twice a week.

The key to losing weight is eating lots of fiber: vegetables, fruits,brown rice,whole grains (wheat, oats, barley) and Legumes (lentils, dry beans and peas?
Drinking water is very important nutrient. Everyone knows that the majority of our body is water. We about 70% water. In fact both Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig have their customers drink between 8-10 glasses of water a day and most people on that diet find that they lose 2-10 pounds in the first week on their diet.

Eating at home instead of out helps with losing weight and make sure you buy healthy foods at home, get rid of all unhealthy foods in your house like chips, cookies, ice cream, soda, etc. That way when the temptation comes you will only eat what is in the house which is healthy foods. Make exercise and eating healthy a lifestyle not a diet. hope this helps


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