Natural--muscle Newbie 1 Posts
6/16/2009 5:03:10 AM | okay heres a few tips, YOUR MUSCLE IS UR METABOLISM, cut out long peroids of cardio and replace with HIIT (high-intensity-interval-training) look on google for more info, make shure u do it after your workout or just have a day for HIIT without any strength training, otherwise its to hard on the body.
about your diet, eat more then u burn for muscle gain, and do the oposite for losing fat, remember, to build muscle effectivly you cant lose fat at the same time, its impossable.
when cutting try to keep your strength the same, the goal of cutting is to keep the muscle u gained from bulking while shredding the fat away ;)
best of luck.
p.s you got any more questions just ask me. also ignore the ignorent try hard market seller, supplements do nothing. stay natural!
idealweighttoday Newbie 2 Posts
3/5/2009 1:28:45 AM | Your message caught my eye because of you wanting to concentrate on muscle building, so I wanted to let you know that I am a distributor for a weight loss product which is a high tech, well-designed product to orchestrate your body's burning fat verses lean. Clinical trial studies (2008) show this product has almost a 3:1 burning of fat to lean tissue as well as significant losses in weight, BMI and waist circumference. People are having amazing results using this product, which is 100% natural, safe, gluten-free and contains no fillers, preservatives, chemicals or sweetners. If you would like to know more I would be happy to advise.