
Weight & Fat Loss | Help me!!!!

I love spin, pilates, yoga, urban rebounding,
weight training. How can I incorporate
all off this into an effective workout?
Advice please...(my gym does have
SPY Classes yet)


Posted by Reply
Personal Trainer
6/25/2003 12:36:41 PM
This is a fairly broad question and im
sorry that I cannot give you an extenisive
answer. This question depends on MANY things:

What are you goals of the workout? Are
you trying to get ripped, are you training to be
an olympian? If you looking to lose weight are you eating properly?

However, for a beginner to start training and for neuromuscular training you
can start with aerobics 3/times per week (that includes: spin, aerobics etc) and weight train 3 times per week for 45 minutes. If you
want to incorporate all of them try a different one each week! Keep in mind each one stresses different goals.

Thanks for your question,

Personal Trainer

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