
Nutrition | Healthy diet

Here are some diet tips which will definitely help you to get balanced diet:
 Avoid eating junk food.
 Follow your regular diet; avoid eating extra spicy, oily stuffs.
 Include leafy vegetables in your food. Having simple but nutritive food really help.
 Start eating stuffs which are full of proteins and vitamins. You can have food items such as chicken, eggs, fish in your diet.
 Eat seasonal fruits.
 Milk is great source of protein. Include milk in your diet.
 Don’t eat much at one time. You can take your food after interval of 2-3 hours.
 Drink adequate amount of water.


Posted by Reply
1 Posts
10/23/2021 1:59:31 AM
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check for some great such recipes.

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9/23/2021 8:09:07 AM
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2 Posts
2/22/2014 1:29:28 AM
That was a very useful article on diet tips. It was short and easy to understand

4 Posts
10/28/2013 10:46:33 PM
Very well said, junk food are not healthy for health.

4 Posts
8/16/2013 12:37:01 AM
Well,Healthy diets has own importance in
our life so we should be take care of the
diets habits.According to me that fresh
vegetarian diets and supplements diets are
so good for maintain of the health issues
and fitness of the body....

1 Posts
9/10/2012 12:53:58 AM
nice article

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