
General Health | Feet

Does anyone know what causes feet to burn after about 30 minutes of arobics. I've tried new shoes and different inserts. Thanks


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2 Posts
4/4/2009 11:09:56 AM
Sounds like me with gout problems. I would walk in the woods hunting after work and after 20 minutes my feet would hurt and sometimes even swell.Go to your Dr. have a blood test run to rule out this problem. I was then given some prednisone and a list of foods to cut back on and like magic no more problems. I was eating food loaded with purineslike wild game and shell fish. Check it out online and good luck.

11 Posts
3/20/2009 1:44:39 PM
Probably Plantar fasciitis. Also happens on an eliptical or when running when you over-do it. The tendons in the soles of the feet get microtears in them and stretch out. Unfortunately, tendons can take 6 months to a year to heal. Look for ankles rolling in or the appearance of 'flat feet'.

There are stretches and treatments a physiotherapist can reccomend, or if you're too far gone you might be looking at orthotics.

Been there, done that.

Personal Trainer
2/17/2009 3:41:57 PM
Feet to burn? I haven't heard of that. If you found the answer, please let us know.

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