
Exercise Questions | Easily accessible exercises to expend energy.

I am currently undertaking DBT, a kind of therapy for dealing with emotions. As part of it, I have to regularly practise some form/s of exercise that can expend some emotional energy in a crisis situation (eg. panic attack).

I want to come up with a few different exercises that can be done spontaneously and readily when the time comes. I am not a big exerciser and I don't plan to use a gym. My goal is purely for using up energy, not weight loss (although I'm not opposed to it). I do want to be able to do it safely. I have my partner's dumbbells I can use, but I'm not sure how to go about using them if its only occasionally (maybe twice a week or so).

So please if you have suggestions and how to do them without straining/injuring myself that would be so helpful! And I don't have any ailments, heart issues or breathing difficulties.

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