
Nutrition | Detox diet questions

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum and need some help. I'm going to be interviewing an expert about detox diets but I'm not really sure what to ask her.

I thought I'd poll you all for your most pressing questions regarding detox so that I can see what she has to say.

As a thank you, I'll post her answers here as soon as I get the interview done.

I need 20 questions.

Thanks in advance,



Posted by Reply
Personal Trainer
1/16/2011 2:12:33 PM
We would be happy to post your mp3 on the forum here for all members to enjoy.

3 Posts
1/16/2011 12:19:18 PM
Her Personal Trainer,

I'm excited to hear the answers she has
as well. For example, I'll be asking her
your questions for sure and will find
out not only what foods to eat, but the
BEST foods to eat.

I'm going to record it as well so it can
be given away as an mp3 download.

Thanks again,

3 Posts
1/16/2011 12:19:18 PM
Her Personal Trainer,

I'm excited to hear the answers she has
as well. For example, I'll be asking her
your questions for sure and will find
out not only what foods to eat, but the
BEST foods to eat.

I'm going to record it as well so it can
be given away as an mp3 download.

Thanks again,

Personal Trainer
1/16/2011 10:52:04 AM
Hi again,

Dont forget to check out the detox body diet page for other ideas for questions.

Personal Trainer
1/16/2011 10:23:18 AM
1. How long should I be on the detox diet?
2. What foods should I eat and why? Also which foods should I avoid!?
3. What if I can't drink enough water during this diet?
4. How much does it cost?
5. Can I do this diet without any pills and just with food? (Yes, you can. There are lots of ebooks out there to accomplish this)
6. What is the benefits of doing a detox diet?
7. What are the symptoms I should look for to stop the detox diet immediately?
8. What should I expect to feel during the detox diet?
9. Can you show me any research that shows the benefits of doing a detox? (I would be most interested in this one. Ask for sources please)
10. Why wouldn't I just try a diet like the Mediterranean diet instead? (this is more of a long term diet than the detox diet)
11. Will I lose weight? If so, is this fat, muscle, water or what?
12. What are the safety concerns of doing this?

I couldn't think of 20 but those 12 are the most important. Please report back with the answers to these as I would love to hear what they have to say.

Personal Trainer

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