
Exercise Questions | Best exercise for dialy routine


My name is Robert Chappell. I am from London, UK. In my view cycling is the best exercise in daily routine for fitness. What do other members think?


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4 Posts
10/29/2020 11:40:09 AM

If there´s one exercise we all love to hate and
hate to love, it´s this one. A abs workout is
simple, effective bodyweight exercise that
requires no equipment and can be performed
just about anywhere (well, use your judgment).

First off, let’s acknowledge a hard truth: Not all
six-packs are created equal. Some guys need to
work their belly to exhaustion before they can
carve out abs, while other dudes seem to get
theirs to pop without a single situp.
Regardless of where you fit on the fitness
spectrum, effectively training the core comes
down to the three planes of motion: frontal,
sagittal, and transverse. Doing abs exercises in a
circuit style keeps the intensity high and will
likely lead to more fat loss.
Ready to get ripped and lose your love handles?

For more abs workout tutorials refer to video
playlist below:
These abs exercises will be the last guide you’ll
ever need.

Video 1 :
Video 2:
Video 3:

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