This program is designed to advance
one's endurance and strength. Day 1
(Upper Body) should be completed on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Day
2 (Lower Body) should be completed
on Tuesday and Thursday. Each day
also combines consistent
cardiovascular training. Day 3
(Saturday) is a cool down workout
that does not focus on any major
muscle groups, except for
cardiovascular strenthening.
A planned nutritional meal plan is one of the most important aspects of any body composition change. Please see the nutrition section to learn about protein, carbohydrates and fats. The bottom line is to make sure to get 6 small meals during the day all having protein, veggies and fruit. Carbohydrates and protein during and after a workout for muscle recovery. This is needed for increasing muscle mass which will help with your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
All routines benefit from changing the sets, weight and reps week to week. This will help prevent a plateau. An example is:
Why do most trainers get their clients to write down their workouts? It is because it works. Recording your workouts allows you to track your progress, determine what is working and track your weight and measurements to see what is giving you results. This is the best $12.00 + shipping you'll ever spend on your body.