Leg Workout Exercises

All Exercises -> Leg

(5) - Isolation (16) - Compound (4) - Dumbbell (6) - Barbell (1) - Cable (2) - Ball (1) - Calisthenics (5) - Machine

Leg Muscle

hamstring, hamstrings, leg, legs, hammy, biceps femoris, hams, lower body Muscle AnatomyHamstrings are extremely important to work for any type of athlete. Quadriceps and Hamstrings should be given equal attention to avoid injury. Biceps Femoris are made up of 2 main and 2 smaller muscles.
The function of the Biceps Femoris (Hamstrings) are for knee flextion, external rotation and interal rotation. Also it extension of the hip.
The origin of the hamstrings are at the ishial tuberosity and posterior of the femur.
The hamstrings insert onto the Tibia at the lateral condyle and medial condyle. Two of the biceps femoris insert onto the head of the fibula.
calf, calves, lower leg, gastrocnemius, lower body, gastrocs Muscle AnatomyThe gastrocnemius (calf) has two heads. The medial head and lateral head.
The function of the gastrocnemius is ankle plantar flexion and knee flexion.
The origin of the gastrocnemius attaches to the posterior medial condyle on the femur.
The calf inserts onto the achilles tendon on the calcaneous.
The calf can be trained more often than other muscles but keep at least 24-48 hours of rest between heavy training.
quadriceps, rectus femoris, thighs, inner thigh, outer thigh, quads, legs, lower body Muscle AnatomyQuadriceps or rectus femoris is perhaps one of the largest muscle groups in your body and should be trained with the same intensity as your biceps femoris or hamstrings. Quadriceps are extremely important for any athlete and should be trained in compound movements to maintain symmetry with your hamstrings.
The function of the quadriceps or Rectus Femoris are for knee extension and hip flexion.
The origin of the quadriceps attach onto the Illiac Spine of the Ilium and the lateral, anterior and medial surface of the femur.
The quadriceps insert onto the patellar tendon of the Tibia.
Training recommendations for the quadriceps should consist of many major compound exercises such as the squat, lunge, jump squat, and deadlift.


PictureName of Exercise
Lying Leg Raises / ThrowdownsLying Leg Raises / Throwdowns Start by lying on a mat with your legs straight out. Lift your legs straight up using only your abdominals and hip flexors. Lower your legs down without them touching the ground....
Calf Raises on Leg Press MachineCalf Raises on Leg Press Machine This exercise is an alternate if your gym does not have a calf machine. Begin the machine calf raise by pressing up the weight with your feet firmly on the platform. (WARNING:...
Donkey Calf RaisesDonkey Calf Raises
Place your toes on the edge of a block and lean forward onto a bench or table for support. Have a partner sit across your hips to provide resistance (make sure they are not pl...
Seated Calf RaisesSeated Calf Raises
1. Sit on the machine with your thighs underneath the pads and with your toes on the bottom pad.
2. Lower your heels as low as you can (for a full range of motion).
Exercise Ball Hamstring CurlsExercise Ball Hamstring Curls This hamstring isolation exercise can be performed by lying in a bridge position with your hips completely off the floor and your weight entirely on your shoulders using your arms ...

Straight Leg DeadliftsStraight Leg Deadlifts
While standing, hold a barbell with extended arms in front of your thighs. Keeping your legs rigid, bend forward at the waist, with head up, until your upper body is parallel w...
Leg Curl or Hamstring CurlLeg Curl or Hamstring Curl 1. Lie on the machine comfortably while hooking your legs underneath the pad. If you are on the seated chair leg curl then sit comfortably with your legs between the pads.
2. ...
One Legged Smith Split SquatOne Legged Smith Split Squat Stand underneath a smith machine with the bar lying against your trapezius muscles. With one leg behind your body on a bench or ball lower your body slowly using the front leg. N...
Deadlift (Bent Leg)Deadlift (Bent Leg) Bend over with your hands as an alternate grip. With your knees slightly bent and your arms locked out lift with your lower back, hamstrings and quads. Raise in a powerful quick ...
Hip AdductorHip Adductor Sit in machine with inside of each thigh placed against pads. Slowly move each thigh toward the center of the body. Slowly move each thigh away from the center of the body to compl...
Exercise Ball Leg LiftsExercise Ball Leg Lifts This exercise should only be performed by advanced exercisers and should begin by having your hands firmly on the floor with your lower body as shown. Now begin to raise one leg ...
Walking LungesWalking Lunges To begin a walking lunge stand upright with or without weights in your hands. Now take a lunge forward while never letting your knee go 'over' your toe. Once at the bottom of the...
Twisting Leg RaisesTwisting Leg Raises
Hang from a chin-up bar or some gyms have benches specifically made for hanging leg raises. Raise your knees up as high as you can in a diagonal fashion (bringing one knee towa...
Exercise Ball Abdominal Leg RaisesExercise Ball Abdominal Leg Raises The exercise ball leg raises exercise can be performed by having an exercise ball between your legs gripped tightly by your ankles. Begin by raising your legs straight upwards kee...
Squats (Elastic Band)Squats (Elastic Band) Start with the band underneath your feet and the other ends over your shoulders with both hands gripping either end. Now slowly complete a squat by not letting your knees go over ...
Cable Bent-Leg DeadliftCable Bent-Leg Deadlift To begin the Cable Bent-Leg Deadlift stand with your feet shoulder width apart and while keeping your back straight bend at your knees to pick up the cable (with an alternate hand ...
Hip AbductionHip Abduction Sit in machine with the inside of each thigh placed against pads. Slowly move each thigh away from the center of the body. Slowly move each thigh toward the center of the body to ...
Wide Stance Squats (Duck Squats)Wide Stance Squats (Duck Squats)
Take a wide stance with toes pointing out while holding a dumbbell with both hands. While keping your back straight and head up, bend at the knees until your thighs are parall...
Front SquatsFront Squats
Rest a barbell over the front part of your shoulders by crossing your arms and holding the bar in place. Squat down, keeping your back straight and head up, until your thighs ...
Split Lunge on the BallSplit Lunge on the Ball Start by standing tall and then putting one leg back on a ball. You may need support so have your spotter close by. Now while never letting your knee over your front toe lower yo...
Elastic Band LungesElastic Band Lunges Start with the band underneath your feet with one leg out in front and one leg behind you. Now without letting your knee go over your toe let your body come down and without letti...
Push Press Push Press This exercise is meant for overall power and strength. This exercise should only be performed if you are an advanced trainer or supervised by a spotter. Start by standing up with...
Safety SquatsSafety Squats A safety squat is identical to a regular 90 degree bent leg toes straight ahead squat except a special bar is used. The bar allows easy entry into a deep squat which keeps your ba...
DeadLiftDeadLift To begin the Deadlift stand with your feet shoulder width apart and while keeping your back straight bend at your knees to pick up the barbell (with an alternate hand grip).
Ball SquatsBall Squats Start by having the ball in the small of your back against the wall. Now while your in the standing position slowly lower your body keeping your knees behind your toes. Lower unt...
SquatsSquats With the barbell on the rack (at shoulder height), approach it with the back of your shoulders having the weight. While keeping your back and head straight, lift the weight off th...
LungesLunges Start by standing vertical and grasping weights in either hands. Then proceed to extend one leg forward (as shown), and then with your back straight and head up lower your body by...
Power Clean (Hang Clean)Power Clean (Hang Clean) Start by standing as shown with the barbell at your knees. Space your feet shoulder width apart with your head up. Lift the bar powerfully using mostly your legs and calves while s...
Step UpsStep Ups Start by looking at a bench infront of you and begin by lifting your any leg and then step-up onto the bench. You can either return to the starting position or lift the opposing l...
Leg PressLeg Press Position yourself on the leg press machine comfortably. Put your feet up and hands on the grips at the side. While keeping your back pressed against the support and head straight...
Leg ExtensionLeg Extension To perform the leg extension, sit comfortably in the leg extension machine. Keeping your back and head straight, raise the weight until it is straight (as shown). Then proceed to...


PictureName of Cardiovascular Exercise
HockeyHockey:Hockey is a great sport that can be played by just about anyone at any age. Performance recommendat...
SkiingSkiing:Skiing is an incredible cardiovascular workout that is usually around 5-10 minutes of instense squat...
SquashSquash:Squash is a great anaerobic exercise that can be played by all ages. Here are some great squash lin...
YogaYoga:Yoga isn't usually considered a cardio exercise but it does make you sweat and improves your flexibi...
StepperStepper:This exercise was made popular by the popular myth of spot reducing (you cannot lose the fat ...
Rowing ErgometerRowing Ergometer:This piece of equipment is an excellent back workout. However, proper form is required. ...
Shuttle RunShuttle Run:To begin this exercise stand in the middle of two lines. In this example we will use the 0, 20 and ...
TreadmillTreadmill:This is the most popular cardiovascular exercise. Due to the impact on the knees and other joints, ...
Running or JoggingRunning or Jogging:Jogging is probably one of the most popular exercises in the world and with good reason. It is as i...
Biking or CyclingBiking or Cycling:Biking or cycling is a tremendous cardiovascular workout and requires very little equipment which mo...
WalkingWalking:While intense walking is a good aerobic exercise it is probably more used as a weight loss tool than...
Housework or CleaningHousework or Cleaning:While most people wouldn't call this a cardiovascular exercise, it certainly is one. Cleaning the h...
DancingDancing:Dancing is an excellent cardio workout that can be done by anyone at any level....
Recumbent BikeRecumbent Bike:This exercise is very popular for people who do not want to jog and run. Make sure to adjust the se...
Elliptical or Cross TrainerElliptical or Cross Trainer:This is the newest in cardiovascular equipment, and because of its low impact on the knees it will b...
Cross-Country SkiingCross-Country Skiing:Similar to the elliptical machine but this exercise is a sport. It is mostly performed at a slower ...
BaseballBaseball:Baseball needs no introduction, this sport is known around the world as a moderate intensity (short ...
SprintingSprinting:Sprinting involves 100% intensity followed by a period of rest. This could be deemed a high intensit...
SoccerSoccer:Soccer is the worlds sport as it is offically the most popular sport in the world. Usually this spo...


ImageName of Plyometric
Burpee - Plyometric ExerciseBurpee: Start by standing tall and then drop to your hands and end up in push-up form (this may take some pr...
One Foot Box Jumps - Plyometric ExerciseOne Foot Box Jumps: Start on one side of the box/bench/whatever with one leg off the ground, then squat down and jump ov...
Side Box Jumps - Plyometric ExerciseSide Box Jumps: Start on one side of the box/bench/whatever in a squat position. Jump up pushing off horizontally w...
Jump Rope - Plyometric ExerciseJump Rope: Start with a skipping rope and jump while the rope is going underneath your feet. Visit Double Knee Jumps - Plyometric ExerciseDouble Knee Jumps: Start by standing in a squat position. Jump up with two feet while tucking your knees into your che...
Double Stair Jumps - Plyometric ExerciseDouble Stair Jumps: Start by standing infront of a set of stairs in a squat position. Jump with two feet bringing your k...


ImageName of Pilate
Overhead Leg Handstand - Pilates ExerciseOverhead Leg Handstand: Start by lying face up and then bring your legs up to a 45 deg angle (straight legs) now slowly brin...
One Leg Raises (or with circles) - Pilates ExerciseOne Leg Raises (or with circles): Start by lifting one leg and having it straight over your body at ninety degrees. Now lower your le...
Open Leg Rollover - Pilates ExerciseOpen Leg Rollover: Start by lifting your legs to ninety degrees (as shown). Now with your abs tight bring your legs be...
Double Leg Roll Up (hard) - Pilates ExerciseDouble Leg Roll Up (hard): Start by sitting down with your feet together (like a groin stretch) now grab your ankles with both ...
Leg Kicks  - Pilates ExerciseLeg Kicks : Start with your body in a pike position with your legs slightly out to the front. Now bring your on...
Arm Flutter (with legs raised) - Pilates ExerciseArm Flutter (with legs raised): Start by lying down flat and then lift your legs while keeping them straight. (45 degree angle) Now...
Leg Curl and Back Hyperextension - Pilates ExerciseLeg Curl and Back Hyperextension: Start by lying face down with your hands behind your back (as shown). Now with curl your legs behin...

Stretches and Flexibility

ImageName of Flexibility Exercise
Standing Hamstring Stretch - StretchStanding Hamstring Stretch: Start by having your legs straight and lower your body while keeping your legs straight as you can. ...
Butt and Hamstring Stretch - StretchButt and Hamstring Stretch: Start lying down on the ground and lift one leg up while holding your knee into your body until you ...
Groin Stretch 2 - StretchGroin Stretch 2: Start by spreading your legs with your feet facing forward. Lean to one side while having your hand...
Thigh or Quad  Stretch - StretchThigh or Quad Stretch: Start by standing while grabbing one foot and putting it against your glut. While starting by holdi...

Forum Discussions

How to lose weightI am an 18 year old going through college as a police officer. I have a certain fitness level I must maintain. We have certain levels of fitness we must be at to succeed. I am fine as far as cardio goes, but when it comes to being able to do chin ...
Advice and tips I could really use...I'm a pathetic 300lbs... 5'3-4" tall and 18yrs old... I've been trying to lose weight ever sice I have started to gain it tremendously (Started gaining when I was about 12yrs old...) The problems I've been having relate to my dad.. he's the bas...
Abdominal frustrationHi guys, I have a rather peculiar problem. I bought weight training sets (dumbbells, bench and all that) and been lifting them for two months. There is very good improvement in my physique, but I am unable to reduce my waist size, nor flatten it. ...
workout routineHi. I am 14 years old + 5'10 and 140 lbs. My goal is to build muscle so i can be big and cut. I also want to lose some fat around my stomach and triceps. Theres only a little bit of fat but i want to get rid of it. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays...
will this work out schedule work better?monday- chest/triceps wed-biceps/back friday-legs/abs/cardio sat-shoulders OR should i put shoulders on friday too and cancel cardio and how many exercises should one do to gain mass i read from sites that one should only do 1 exercise (3se...
22 years old, need help with body fat...Hi I'm 22 years old and I exercise regularly however I only do exercises such as cardio (i play soccer just about every other day and i do a couple ab exercises throughout the week, i think its the 8minute ab workout on youtube to be exact, i do that...
I need a good easy to follow dietHello my name is josh and I already exercise 3 days a week with basketball, walking, push ups, and crunches and it works moderately well actually but I need a diet that won't cost me an arm and a leg and that is easy to follow, anyone have some good ...
how important is it to have a routine?I'm 16, 5'8, and about 185 pounds right now, and pretty thick and strong for my age I go to the gym six days a week usually and do Chest/tris, then back/biceps, legs/shoulders, rest then repeat and throw in abs 4 times a week depending how i feel af...