Arms Ball Workout Exercises

All Exercises -> Arms

(26) - Isolation (25) - Compound (19) - Dumbbell (6) - Barbell (11) - Cable (4) - Ball (4) - Calisthenics (6) - Machine

Stability is the name of the game

Ball exercises are usually used for stabilizer type exercise or workout plans. Exercise balls are lightweight and make the athlete use their core to keep stabilized while performing the exercise. These balls are also called Thera-balls, Big Balls, or Stability Balls. Ball exercises should be performed near the end of the workout as a weak core can interfere with the total useage of muscle fibers.


PictureName of Ball Exercise
Medicine Ball Ab Wood ChoppersMedicine Ball Ab Wood Choppers To begin this wood chopper exercise start in a squat position holding a medicine ball at your side with two hands. Now explode upwards bringing the medicine ball across your body ...
Dumbbell Ball Preacher Bicep Isolation CurlDumbbell Ball Preacher Bicep Isolation Curl Start this bicep isolation exercise by kneeling overtop of a ball with a dummbell in one hand draped on top of the ball. With your one arm curl the weight until there there is jus...
One Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension on a BallOne Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension on a Ball Begin this dumbbell tricep extension exercise lying supine on a stability ball with one arm holding a dumbbell, the other on your hip for balance and your feet shoulder width apart...
Dumbbell Stability Ball Seated Tricep ExtensionDumbbell Stability Ball Seated Tricep Extension Begin this tricep isolation extension exercise by sitting on a stability ball with a dumbbell in both hands. Raise the dumbbell up to your shoulder and then behind your head. Now...

Forum Discussions

Abdominal frustrationHi guys, I have a rather peculiar problem. I bought weight training sets (dumbbells, bench and all that) and been lifting them for two months. There is very good improvement in my physique, but I am unable to reduce my waist size, nor flatten it. ...
Simply confusedHello, I've been lifting weights for a couple of months now. I notice that I've lost fat and also the "loose" muscles around my arms/chest/shoulders have tightened considerably. If I touch my biceps, triceps etc., I DO feel they are somewhat harde...
Excess skin on my arms from weightlossI recently lost 106 lbs so far and am trying to lose about another 100. anyway, I noticed that my upper arms which are thinner than before but have alot of excess skin from the underarm to the elbow. what exercises can I do to reduce this or at least...
Rotator cuff impingementI've been recently diagnosed with rotator cuff impingement in both shoulders caused by lifting weights improperly. I was using more weight than I should have and was lifting too fast. I cannot extend my arms straight up, to the front or back without ...
Is this right or wrong?I'm 15 years old and when I work out I usually do it for about 2 hours. I work most of my muscles, from arms to legs to chest, I do it all. I notice that most people have a routine, i.e. Biceps and Triceps on Monday, Chest on Tuesday, etc. For me, I ...
Extremely Skinny 15 y/oHey guys I'm looking for some help. I'm 15 years old, and weigh only 98 Pounds :( I am looking for some things to do around the house in order to add some weight, and put on a little muscle. But I am worse off than most of you probably think by...
What exercises reduce fat on the arms?What exercises reduce fat on the arms?...
Winging Shoulders.Hey, im 15 and my shoulder blades stick out when i let my arms hang down. Do i have this "winging shoulder thing?" if so what excersise can fix it? I have dumbells aand barbells but no wieght bench...